

Wilkommen in Schweiz! First short hop complete. Also realised my first
mistake, and this could be an expensive one. I forgot to let the air
out of my tyres... I'm sure the potential consequences of this
omission are obvious. I've read time and time again that you need to
do this or else the inner tubes explode as the aircraft ascends and
the hold pressure drops. I'm hoping there is a slim chance that this
is a 'theoretical' phenomenon. Failing that Im hoping the only damage
will be ruptured inner tubes, but there's every chance the tyres may
be destroyed or even parts of the bike damaged. To be honest when I
first realised what I'd done I half expected the bottom of the
aircraft to blow out any second!... this has not happened. I'll now
have to wait until unloading at Windhoek airport to assess the damage.
This is a good number of miles outside the city and the nearest bike
shop. Could be an expensive taxi trip and new pair of tyres/tubes/+++

Aside from this stupidity everything is going well. I believe the
point of a blog like this is to try n give an account of what a trip
like this feels like (including the lows and the highs) and not just
give a list of 'stuff ive done' so I should admit to being a little
terrified at what I've got myself into. Is this really just an
elaborate suicide attempt? The cruellest thing about flying out of
England is how beautiful Kent looks. It's been a beautiful day and the
long shadows cast by trees and hedges and the smoke from ships in
Dover harbour looked so safe and civilised. Why would anyone want to
leave such a place? Well, I'll be back soon.

I hope one doesn't get the impression Reading this that I'm not
enjoying myself. I am, really I'm perhaps just a little awed by what
I've got myself into (which is probably a good thing) So sorry chaps
this is how it's gonna be, you gotta come follow me on the dips If you
want to appreciate riding the highs!

Sent remotely

1 comment:

  1. did you get into namibia at the end??? did you get my mail.. i am so sorry.. i am usually in front of a computer... but just the 30 an hour that i wasnt you text me!!! such bad luck!! i hope everything went well at the end!!
    let me know please!!!
    muchos besos!!
