
A day at the Old bridge

As you know I'd been quite shocked at the wieght i'd lost getting to the Okavango. Here I had a safe place with great company and plenty of available food. I was going to fatten myself up!

The early morning was spent drinking coffe in a deck chair on the lawn down by the river. I was sorting out admin and trying to catch up with the blog before heading down the road to Maun to sort finances and pick up supplies. Unleaden the powerful one felt strange. It was ultra-responsive and initilly I actually had some difficulty in riding it., the steering was so tritchy without the front panniers. Pedaling it felt strange too. Each kick had a lot more effect whilst the relative lack of momentum meant it slowed down more quickly between each kick. I soon got used to it and got in a tuck and raced into Maun. My average speed was thirty km/hr (on the flat) around a third again faster than I'd been doing. Perhaps Atlantic to Indian Ocean would be doable in three weeks with a support car... not as much adventure though!

THere's not much to say about Maun. It's nice enough, but not much to do, really just a gateway to the Okavango I suppose. SO once i'd sorted myself out and boutgh supplies I headed back to the Old Bridge to sort out kit and make prepareations for the coming days in the desert, such as hardboiling half a dozen eggs. Then I lazed about and ate... a lot (i'll post a food diary once I reach Maputo) I didn't want to arrive at the South African border looking like a skeleton.

There's not much more to say about today. Once i'd got my bike a prepared as I could given I was sleeping in the tent I turned in for an early night. The party at the bar was going on as usual, but this time a could only listen, no joining in for me. As I drifted off to sleep they were playing 'Deep Forest' (I can hear Tommy cringing, but I like it) it seemed apt mixed with the sound of the frogs and bats i;d so quickly become accostumed to. Tomorrow i'd be leaving this little oasis and heading back out into the Kalahari, this time navigating for it's eastern shores. I'd need my sleep.

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